Catch weight processing is used by food vendors and distributors to manage products where an individual item's actual weight can vary when being invoiced. In Craftable, you can enable Catch Weight per purchase unit for Foodager items to ensure that you pay per measurement type (lb, kg, gal, etc) rather than by the pack size.  This allows you to always invoice the correct inventory amount for these types of items. Refer to the steps below on how to activate the catch weight setting for an item and how to configure your pack size:

  1. Select Inventory>Inventory or Items & Vendors>Items from the navigation menu on the left to pull up your item list.
  2. Search and find the item you want to enable Catch Weight Purchase Units for.

  3. Once you select the item, the item pane will load on the left side of the page.  Select the Purchases tab to view your purchase units for this item.
  4. From here you can choose to either enable Catch Weight for an existing Purchase unit by selecting the Pack Size in blue or you can create a new Purchase Unit that can be enabled for Catch Weight as well by selecting the "+ Add Purchase Unit" button.
  5. In either option, you will see the Catch Weight field in which you will choose what measurement of Catch Weight you will use on your invoices.
  6. Once the Catch Weight measurement has been selected and the Purchase Unit is saved, you will see that purchase unit update to show the Catch Weight settings you set in the last step.
  7. Finally, make sure to select Save Item to confirm the changes you made in the item.


Some things to keep in mind

  • When an item has catch weight enabled you will see this listed with an orange Catch Weight box from the Vendor Invoice.
  • When an item has a CU measurement that is either a weight or volume measurement, you will see a toggle on the Purchase Unit rather than a dropdown menu. For example, if the CU of an item is "1lb", the toggle with state "Catch Weight by lb"
  • When an item has a CU measurement of each. you will have the option to select how you calculate your Catch Weight.

  • When invoicing a Catch Weight item with each count unit. You can select the item name to edit the quantity ( number of PUs received) and the Catch Weight. (total weight of packs received.)