After an audit has been finalized, you might observe that the CU Price for certain items differs from the CU Price recorded outside of the audit. Fortunately, this discrepancy can be resolved without having to reopen the audit.

Refer to the steps below to correct an Item's CU Price on a closed audit:

  1. From the navigation bar click the Inventory menu, then select "Audit" from the sub-menu.
  2. Select "Historic Audit".
  3. Locate and select the audit date that is associated with the incorrect CU price.

  4. Locate the item in the audit's inventory list, and select on the CU price. (You can filter the item list by entering the item name in the search field)
  5. Adjust the CU's price, and click "Update CU Price" to save your changes.
  6. Verify the items new CU price changed. All changes are made in real time.

Note: The change is in real time but if you want to see the visual update in the amount field you will need to refresh or reload the audit page.

Some things to keep in mind

  • Changing a CU Price in a closed Audit will not update the Inventory item's CU Price moving forward. 
  • Only "Reopen for Correction" if you are updating inventory counts.  You cannot update the Audit CU Price while an audit is opened.