In some cases, it may be necessary to count items that were added after an audit was closed.

Reopen the audit in question

Notice that the item "Jim Beam Apple Whiskey" is listed under Items & Vendor>Items but it isn't listed in the audit, even after reopening the audit for correction.

This is because the only Audit that can add items would be the last saved audit.  To correct this, follow the steps below.

Change the close date of the previous Audit

With the previous audit being opened once more, we need to make it the last saved audit to allow for the addition of new items.

To do this, select the "Save & Continue" button, then "close audit".

Continue through the normal prompts to close the audit.  Once you have the ability to set the close date, enter a close date after the close date of the most current audit.  With our example, we will need to set the close date to 10/3 or later.  Once that is set, finish closing out the audit.

Now the previous Audit is the last saved Audit.

Click on the Audit date and then once again, reopen the audit for correction.

Now the item in question is available to be added to the previous audit.

Update the desired count totals, then "Save & Continue" once more.  Close the audit, and change the close date back to the previous date.  Repeat these steps for any additional audits that need to be corrected.