Cost Summary by Ops Group compares your cost versus your sales for specific periods dictated by audits, based on your Ops Group mappings.

The Cost Summary by Ops Group report calculates the Cost % for an audit period based on the Cost vs Sales data received.

Cost is calculated by taking the starting value and adding the purchase value in. Then, either add or subtract the transfer value (depending on if the value is positive or negative) and finally, subtract the end value.

Sales are calculated based on the sales data received from the POS system integrated with your account.

All the columns and their values are displayed based on your Ops Group Mappings.


Further Breakdown:


Ops Group: The Ops Group associated with the data displayed based on your Ops Group Mapping section.

Category: All Categories are mapped to the Ops Group based on the Ops Group Mapping section.

Subcategory: The Subcategory associated with the Category.

Start: Value for your starting inventory for the audit period being run.

Purchases: Cost of inventory received (theoretically) within invoices during the audit period.

Transfers: Value of inventory transferred in/out during the period.

End: Value of your ending inventory for the audit period selected.

Cost: Start + Purchase +/- Transfers - End

Sales: Selling value of the inventory sold during the period based on data received from the POS system

Cost %: Cost / Sales