Current Cost Summary Report

The Current Cost Summary Report allows you to see your theoretical cost by Category during a selected Date Range. Refer to the steps below on how to view the Current Cost Summary Report.

Viewing the Current Cost Summary Report

  1. Click Reports > Reports List from the navigation.


  2. Click Current Cost Summary under the Inventory heading.


  3. Select Date Range.

  4. Click Go to view the results.



Some things to keep in mind

  • Each column in the report can be clicked on to reorganize the data. 
    For example, you can click on End to see in descending order which Categories you have the most stock of at the end of the viewed Date Range.

  • Export the data in this report to Excel by clicking the download button in the upper right.

  • The default view of this Report is the past 30 days before the current date.

Column Key

Category: Name of Category

Start: Total $ value for Category Items at the beginning of selected Date range

Purchased: Total $ value for Category Items purchased through vendor invoices 

Transferred: Total $ value for Category Items transferred in or out 

End: Total $ value for Category Items 

Cost: Start+Purchases+Transfers-End