Lock your Audits after a specified number of days!

Set Audit Lock:

  1. Navigate to Director. 
  2. Click on the name in the upper-right corner. 
  3. Select Director Settings from the dropdown. 
  4. Click Director Configuration.
  5. Scroll down to Days to Lock Audit.
  6. Enter the number of days after which you would like the audit to be locked.

    1. -1 = There will be no restrictions. Audits will not be locked. 
    2. 0 = Audit will be locked after it is closed. 
    3. 1 = Audit will be locked at EOD as of the date of the Audit. (If the audit is dated from the day before, it will lock instantly after closing.)
    4. 2 = Date of Audit + 1 day
    5. 3 = Date of Audit + 2 days
  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and press Save Configuration