Accounts with Director can set parameters on their Director Configuration page that flag items that fall outside of variance settings to request the auditor to recount the flagged items.

Do you struggle with counts potentially being entered incorrectly in Audits for one or more of your locations?

Accounts with Director can set parameters on their Director Configuration page that flag items that fall outside of variance settings to request the auditor to recount the flagged items. The items that are flagged will be emailed in an Excel file to designated users, so re-counts can be done either in the Excel file, or by re-opening the audit and editing the counts there.

Immediately upon closing the audit, whichever user closes the audit will receive a list via email of all items that fall outside of set variance parameters with space for them to enter recounts on those items. Unless the user is allowed to view Director level settings and Actual vs. Theoretical reporting, they will not know why they were asked to recount these items. 

This allows for auditors to verify audit counts immediately, without having to return to recount items or allow time for inventory to be shifted. Once the recount has been completed, a user with access to reopen audits can reopen and adjust audit counts.

Additionally, all items that are flagged for review will be marked with a bell, which you can filter for using the Recount filter, on the Closed Audit.


  1. At Director, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and select Director Settings > Director Configuration.

  2. Scroll down and toggle on Flag Audit Items for Recount
  3. The parameters on how to flag audit items for review will appear once the setting is activated.

    Note: An item will be flagged for recount if any of these conditions are met. Items do not need to meet multiple or all parameters to be flagged.
    Audit Recount Email Notifications: Here you can enter additional addresses to receive the report. Note that the entered emails will receive the report for all the stores in the brand. The report can also be sent to specific individuals via email, in addition to the user who closes the audit. 
    Flag Zero Count: Turning this on will flag any items that have a zero count. Items might just be simply out of stock, or this might mean items were missed in the audit count. (If items are appearing with zero counts that will no longer be ordered, consider making these items inactive (include hyperlink).)
    Positive Variance % Threshold: Leaving this field with a zero will inactivate this parameter. To flag any positive variance, we suggest entering .01 or entering the % amount where you want to flag items above that threshold.
    Negative Variance % Threshold: Leaving this field with a zero will inactivate this parameter. To flag any negative variance, we suggest entering -.01 or entering the -% amount where you want to flag items below that threshold.
    Amount Variance Threshold: This will flag items outside of this amount whether positive or negative variance dollar amounts. For example, setting at $200 will flag items with -$200 variance or lower and +$200 variance or greater.
  1. Scroll to the bottom and select Save Configuration

Once Setting is Activated

  1. Conduct and close an audit.

  2. Auditor and additional emails set at Director Receives ‘Audit Flagged Items for Review Report’
    Whichever user closes the audit will receive the ‘Audit Flagged Items for Review Report’ via email.  Only items flagged for recount will be included in the report.

    Note:  The auditor will not know why they are being asked to recount items as long as they cannot view the Director settings.

    The report will have the first count numbers in each storage location column and next to it will be the storage location RECOUNT column. All data on this sheet is locked and the auditor will only be able to enter recount numbers in the columns marked RECOUNT. These columns will also total across to the TOTAL RECOUNT column.

  3. Reopen audit for correction and close final audit.
    This report can be used by someone with the permission to ‘Reopen Audits for Correction’ to adjust audit counts, and then close the audit again.