Item Report

The Item Report allows you to see a log of all your items and their associated Pack Sizes during the life of your account. Refer to the steps below on how to view the Item Report.

Viewing Item Report

  1. Click Reports > Reports List from the navigation.

  2. Click Item Report under the Inventory heading.

  3. Filter by Vendor or Search Item(s).


Some things to keep in mind

  • Each column in the report can be clicked on to reorganize the data. 
    For example, you can click on Vendor to see your Vendors displayed in alphabetical order.

  • Export the data in this report to Excel by clicking the download button in the upper right.

Column Key

Vendor: Name of Vendor

Item Name: Name of Item

SKU: Stock Keeper's Unit. Unique to Vendor (optional)

Pack Size: Total number of Count Units (CUs) in Purchase Unit (PU)

PU Name: Name of Purchase Unit ie. bottle, case, bag, unit(s)