Linked items allow you to link the CU price for the same item across the Bevager and Foodager platforms of Craftable.

This can be useful if one side of the organization always receives a certain item, but both sides want to ensure the value of this item is up to date within their respective platform. Please note that Linked Items are currently only supported between the Bevager and Foodager platforms; House items are not eligible.

How To

To set up Linked Items navigate to Items & Vendors > Manage Items > Linked Items Mapping in either Bevager or Foodager.

Once you select "+ New Linked Item" on either platform, you will be asked to choose which Bevager and Foodager item you want linked.  

Keep in mind that they must be the same count unit size.

Once the Linked item is created, any CU Price change will apply to the two items on both sides of Craftable.


  1. Once Linked, an item’s count unit cannot be changed until the item is unlinked.
  2. Only Team accounts with permissions to update items on BOTH platforms can set up linked items
  3. Linked items must be inventory items and Active.  If you want to make a linked item non-inventory or Inactive, it must be unlinked first.
  4. For Director accounts, you can chose to have your linked items maintained locally or at the Director level. Please reach out to our Support team to enable Director Linked Items.
  5. If you have not enabled Direct Linked Items, any director items that are linked will have the link removed if there are any changes to the item at director that are synced down (CU size, inactive, non-inventory, etc…)