Logbook is a feature that allows you to see your entire store summarized at a glance daily.  It includes sections for your Sales, Labor, Weather, and Notes taken throughout the day by users on your account.


Logbook requires a subscription to Analytics. 

If you would like to add Analytics, please reach out to your Account Executive  or reach out to support at 844-367-7700 / support@craftable.com


Depending on your setup, you may need to follow these steps at Director if you have multiple locations. However, if you do not have the Director subscription, you'll want to do this at your Store. 


You can create note categories for use in each day's logbook under Logbook>Notes.

When creating a new category, you also can specify if you want the notes to be separated by meal period as well.

Once a note is created under the category, you will be able to see the number of notes created for that category (broken down by meal period if that is available) with the date of the last note posted. 

Selecting the number in blue will launch a search for that category within the past 30 days.


You can also create Tasks to be performed daily and monitored for completion under Logbook>Tasks

When creating the task, you will set the name of the task and the number of times it is performed daily.

Viewing Logbook

Once setup is complete, you can view your logbook for the day in Logbook>Logbook.


The first section you will see is weather (based on your listed address in Store Settings) broken down by Morning, Noon, Afternoon, and Evening.  You can also compare the weather for last week on this day as well.

Sales Summary

Sales Summary shows your daily sales, ticket averages, guest totals, and Labor compared to this day last week and this day last year. (Meaning same day and not same date. I.e. report shows the first Wednesday of the previous year. Not specifically the actual date listed.)

Notes and Tasks

Finally, you will have the option to create or view notes and tasks based on the categories you entered previously.

Notes will be separated based on whether they were per meal period or not.  All non-meal period categories are listed at the top.  All other categories will show per meal period.

You will be able to log any time a task is completed by time and employee