Managing Depletions

Depletions allow you to account for sold/spilled items in the platform. You can create depletions as needed and also view historic accounts of depletions. Refer to the steps below to create a manual depletion.

Creating a Depletion 

  1. Navigate to Inventory > Depletions. 
  2. Click the +New Depletion button. 
  3. Enter the Depletion Date and any relevant notes. Click the +Add Depletion button to save. 
  4. Link the depletion to a specific item in your inventory by clicking the +Add button.

    1. You can add multiple items as needed, given the circumstances. There is a +Add All Items button, if you need to add every item in your inventory into the depletion.
  5. Search for the item by typing out its name and clicking on the appropriate item. Include any quantity numbers for the fields Sold and Spilled. Add any relevant notes you like, then click +Add Depletion Line.

  6. The Depletion Line Item will then populate the Depletion screen. 

View Historic Depletions

  1. Click Inventory -> Depletions then select the History button.
  2. Filter by Date Range or by Period and click the Go button.
    1. You can click on any instance of a Depletion listed to pull up a more granular view, which would include the line item and any relevant information tied to the Depletion.