As a vendor, when your customers add you as their Sales Rep, you'll be able to see all orders Placed to you and mark them as scheduled. This confirms for your customer that you've seen the order, and allows you to indicate the date you intend to deliver the order.

After logging in you will see all your Received Orders highlighted on your home page. If you've already marked any orders as Scheduled for Delivery those will appear on the right side instead. You can click any order on the homepage directly, or to see all orders click the Orders option from the navigation bar at the left.

Scheduling Delivery Date

To mark an order as Scheduled for Delivery and provide your customer with an estimated Delivery Date, just click the order from either the Orders page or the Home page. Click the Schedule Order button at the bottom right, select the date you intend to deliver the order, and click Schedule Order to save.

Order Notes

Your customer may include a note to you on the order. You will see this listed at the bottom of the order, as well as in the body of the email that was sent to you.

If you'd like to add your notes or respond to a note from the customer you can click the pencil icon on the order itself and add your notes there. 

Please note this doesn't send a notification to your customer unless you also schedule the order for delivery and they have chosen to turn on notifications when their vendor (you) schedules orders for delivery. You may wish to speak with your customer to understand what notifications they have chosen to set up.

But when your customer goes to receive the order they will also see your updated notes there. (Note the below image is what your customer sees from within their Craftable platform.)