1. Craftable Learning Center
  2. Director
  3. Director: Menu Lists, Markets, Recipes


Add New Vendor

At Director navigate to Items & Vendors > Vendors and click the +New Vendor button. Enter the vendor's name, and optionally add address information and other details.


You can also enter details of Order Minimums (as either no minimum, an Alert Minimum to warn your team that there may be additional fees for being under the minimum, or a Restriction Minimum so orders below the minimum cannot be placed).


This is used to auto-fill the Due Date on invoices for this vendor. The Due Date will auto-calculate as this number of days after the Invoice Date.

Internal Note

This information will display at the top of the order within Craftable but is only visible to your team, this information is never displayed to your vendor. This is a great spot to put information about order cut-offs or delivery days. 

Allocating Vendors to Stores

Allocating by Vendor

From the Vendor record (so either as you're creating a new vendor or by navigating to Items & Vendors > Vendors and clicking the vendor name) just click on the Store Allocation tab. Here you'll see your stores. Click the stores the vendor should be allocated to, and then click Update Vendor at the bottom to save.

Allocating by Store

If you've added a new vendor at Director you also need to allocate the vendor to each store up at Director. Navigate to Stores & Markets > Stores and then click on the Store Name that you need to add vendors to.

From there click +Add Vendors, select the checkbox at the left for the vendor/s you want to allocate to the store, and click +Add Vendors at the bottom to Save. 

Once this is complete you'll now see the store you've allocated the vendor to available under "Active By Store" when managing purchase units for this vendor.

Don't forget to always do a Store Sync from Director to push down any changes to the store!


Things to keep in mind

  • Vendors cannot be deleted from the system. However, if you no longer use a specific vendor they can always be toggled to inactive by clicking directly on their name from the Vendors tab and clicking the active button to gray it out.
  • Scheduling a payment DOES NOT SEND PAYMENT. This field simply acts as a Note to Self for when payment is due, according to the input due date.