1. Craftable Learning Center
  2. Craftable's Unified Platform


Map electronic invoices to general ledger accounts within Craftable's New Unified Platform.

The Map to GL process remains the same within Craftable's New Unified Platform.

Watch the brief video tutorial below to familiarize yourself with the Map to GL function in Craftable's new platform. 

Map electronic invoices to GL accounts

  1. Navigate to Invoices > Vendor Invoices 
  2. Select the invoice you'd like to work with.
    1. You can only map Electronic Invoices that are still in the mapping phase to GL codes.
  3. Select a line item to begin mapping.
  4. Under the Type dropdown menu, choose GL.
  5. Assign the GL Account and specify the percentage you’d like to allocate for this mapping.
    1. If your account has classes activated, you can also select a Class Name.
    2. If you would like to assign multiple lines to the same GL, you can select the lines and utilize the mass map button! 
  6. Once all the lines have been mapped, click Done Mapping.
  7. Approve the invoice and view your bill.