Under the Item Details page for a specific item, you can associate additional information for your records. The Details tab of the page allows you to include a: Producer, Variety, Country, Region, and ABV%.

Applying Details to an Item

Under the Item Details page for a specific item, you can associate additional information for your records. The Details tab of the page allows you to include a: Producer, Variety, Country, Region, and ABV%.

To access the Details tab refer to these simple steps:

  1. Click Inventory and select Inventory from the navigation menu.

  2. Pull up the desired item and click on its name (in blue).

  3. Click the Details tab in the Item panel.

  4. Fill in the Producer name.

  5. Select the Variety from the dropdown menu.

  6. Select the appropriate Country from the dropdown menu.

  7. Designate a Region (if applicable).

  8. Type a quantity value for the ABV%.

  9. Click Save Item when done.


Things to Keep in Mind

  • Applying details is an optional feature and is by no means required.

  • Including details is helpful when you prefer to categorize your items on a granular level.