POS Item Mapping enables Craftable to accurately track and reduce inventory levels for each item sold through your Point of Sale (POS) system.
POS Item Mapping
POS Item Mapping is a feature within Craftable that enables the system to determine the quantity of each ingredient to deduct when an item is sold through your Point of Sale (POS) system.
This process of Mapping means that you're matching the buttons in your Point of Sale system to Recipes on Craftable. This will deplete the correct amount of the ingredients from the recipe every time the recipe is sold.
Before you get started with POS Item Mapping you need to first build your Recipes (or Pours for Bevager users). See the articles titled Creating Recipes and Subrecipes and Creating Pours if you have not completed those steps yet.
How to Map POS Items
1. Go to Point of Sale > POS Mapping in the navigation.
2. Select POS Item Mapping.
3. You can filter the table by one of your 'POS Groups', by 'Platform' (you'll find the 'Unmapped' Filter here), by 'Subgroups' or by 'All Items' (Mapped to Recipe, Mapped to Platform, Mapped Elsewhere, Ignored Items).
3. Click the name of the button in the POS Item column that you want to match to an existing recipe.
4. Select the appropriate Platform from the dropdown menu.
5. Start typing the name of the Recipe in the Recipe field. Click +Match Item after selecting the appropriate Recipe.
What does 'Ignore' mean?
While POS Item Mapping you can choose to select 'Ignore' in the Platform drop-down. This can be used for any buttons that do not need to be mapped in Craftable at all. (e.g. Gift Cards, Seat Numbers, Extra plates, etc...) By mapping to 'Ignore' the button will be mapped in Craftable, so won't come up as needing to be mapped again, without requiring a specific recipe. (Keep in mind by not mapping to a recipe there will be no depletions related to this button or any modifiers that may modify it.)
Mass Map
Mass Map allows you to select multiple POS Items using the checkboxes at the left, and then map all selected items en masse to either a Platform or to Ignore. Keep in mind anything mapped to just a platform will not deplete from ingredients, you need to map it to a recipe for items to deplete.
Deleting Buttons
For any item that is either unmapped or just platform mapped to the platform you're in, you can use the checkboxes at the left and the Delete button at the top to delete the button from the list. This will not delete the button from your POS, so if it's rung in again the button will repopulate on the system, but if you have removed the button from your POS this will also remove it from Craftable.
What about POS Items that themselves aren't anything, but the modifiers are important?
If you sell items where the POS Item that's clicked inherently isn't anything, but the modifiers that will modify it are important, you still need to map the POS Item. This tells Craftable to pay attention to the modifiers and deplete the ingredients. For example, if you sell a "shared platter" but the customer gets to pick the 3 appetizers that make it up you might ring it in as:
Shared Platter | Potatoes | Sliders | Shrimp
In this example, only "Shared Platter" is a POS Item, and "Potatoes", "Sliders" and "Shrimp" are all Modifiers. So we would make a recipe that we'll map to a "Shared Platter". That recipe could be empty (and then can be reused for other placeholder buttons), or it could include anything that might be included in every shared platter as a garnish. By mapping "Shared Platter" to a recipe (regardless of whether the recipe includes ingredients), you've told Craftable to read the Modifiers. Those Modifiers need to be mapped as well, and then they will deplete the important ingredients.
Things to keep in mind
- An item must be rung in on your POS after the integration with Craftable for the button to show up. Any items rung in but later voided will not be available for matching (as those items are assumed to still be in inventory).
- You should always Rerun POS Depletions after matching items.
- You can only Rerun POS Depletions back to the date of the last Full Audit. You can open your most recent Full Audit to rerun through this date to the previous audit. (You should be careful with rerunning POS depletions if you reuse POS buttons when you change recipes).
- If you rename a POS Item within your Point of Sale system, the platform will update it as well so long as the POS ID does not change.