Use this article to help prepare for your sheet review by entering your items into Craftable by how you plan to count them. 

We suggest concentrating on loading your items into the system. The objective of this process is to import items in a manner that matches your inventory counting methods! 

Less is more:

We recommend aiming to load 80% of your inventory. If you end up loading less than that, don’t worry! You can always add items during an inventory count or after the initial item load.

Focus on ensuring that the same item is entered multiple times. Items are never removed from the Craftable system, so it's important to only import those items you are confident about.

Load your items, not your inventory counts:

This process involves uploading the essential parts of Craftable, which will provide you with the tools necessary for recipe creation, item mapping to invoices, and, most importantly, conducting your initial audit!

We encourage you to perform your first audit as soon as possible. However, keep in mind that you have the flexibility to backdate a historical audit after your items have been successfully loaded into the system.

Focus on identifying the weight/volume:

This is necessary for recipe creation. It is essential to determine the quantity of each product required for your recipes, as this information supports an accurate perpetual inventory (theoretical inventory) within your system.

Many-to-one approach with items:

At Craftable, we utilize a many-to-one approach for managing items.

For instance, if you source tomatoes from various vendors, each offering different case sizes and prices, we recommend consolidating all these details under a single item entry.

This method streamlines your inventory management and ensures clarity in your records. See the visual below: 

Naming your items:

Upon receiving your item import template spreadsheet, you may notice that the Item Name is long - especially if invoices were used to build it.

This is your chance to refine the item names, making them shorter and more intuitive. This way, your team can quickly identify each item during inventory counts.

If you provide invoices to create your item import template, these invoices will not be automatically uploaded into the Craftable system. You will need to upload them separately after your items have been imported if you wish to process these invoices within Craftable.

Categories are key:

Categories are beneficial for accounting, as they allow for automatic assignment to corresponding GL accounts! Check out our article on GL Account Mapping for more information.