The Purchase Log Report is a useful tool when you want to view items that were purchased by Invoice in a period. This provides further visibility into how your inventory numbers change between audits or periods. The Purchase Log Report can be broken down by Period, Date, Category, and Subcategory. Refer to the steps below on how to view the Purchase Log Report.

Viewing Purchase Log Report

  1. Click Reports from the navigation panel.
  2. Click Purchase Log under the Purchases heading.mceclip0.png
  3. Filter by Date/Period.
  4. Click Go to view the results.mceclip1.png

Column Key

ID: Item ID (optional)

Item: Name of Item

Category: Category where Item must be assigned

Subcategory: Subcategory where Items can be assigned

Vendor: Name of Vendor

Invoice No: Listed on received physical invoice; number the vendor assigns to invoice

Invoice Date: Date of Invoice; listed on received physical invoice

Quantity: Total number of Count Units (CU) ordered

Amount: Total $ value of Count Units (CU) ordered

CU Price: Amount / Quantity