Drill Down Vendor Purchases Report

The Drill Down Vendor Purchases Report is a useful tool when you want to have a drill-down view of your purchases from the high-level Vendor through to the granular Vendor Invoice detail. Refer to the steps below on how to view the Drill Down Vendor Purchases Report.

Viewing Purchases by Vendor Report

  1. Click Reports > Reports List from the navigation.

  2. Click Purchases by Vendor Report under the Purchases heading.

  3. Filter by Date Range/Period.

  4. Click on the name of the VendorCategory > Subcategory > Item > Vendor Invoice you would like to analyze further.

Some things to keep in mind

  • Each column in the report can be clicked on to reorganize the data. 
    For example, you can click on Vendor to alphabetize the Report by Vendor and so on.

  • Export the data in this report to Excel by clicking the download button in the upper right.

  • The report will default to pulling data by Period (time between audits).
    If you do not see the desired item initially, try filtering By Date to see if the item appears.

Column Key

Vendor: Name of Vendor

Invoices: Total number of approved and unapproved vendor invoices

Amount: Total value of approved and unapproved vendor invoices

% Total: Percentage of Vendor purchases compared to overall purchases