The Raw Invoice Log Report allows you to see a line by line breakdown of Invoice items over a given Period or Date Range. This allows you to see at a granular level what Items are having the greatest impact on your Invoice totals. Refer to the steps below on how to view the Raw Invoice Log Report.

Viewing Raw Invoice Log Report

  1. Click Reports > Reports List from the navigation.

  2. Click Raw Invoice Log under the Purchases heading.

  3. Select to view by Period or Date Range.

  4. Click Go to view the results.

Column Key

Vendor: Name of Vendor

Invoice No: Number vendor assigns to invoice; listed on received physical invoice

Due Date: Date by which vendor invoice must be paid. 

Invoice Date: Date of Invoice; listed on received physical invoice

Invoice Amt: Total charged or credited by vendor

Item Name: Name of Item

Item Amount: Total $ value of Item on respective Invoice

SKU: Stock Keeper's Unit. Unique to Vendor (optional)

CU Quantity: Total number of Count Units contained within Purchase Unit

PU Quantity: Total number of Purchase Units on Vendor Invoice

PU Name: Name of Purchase Unit ie. bottle, case, bag, unit(s)

CU Price: Item Amount / (CU Quantity * PU Quantity)