The Recipe Reprice Report allows you to see which of your Recipes would require a Price change to meet your desired Menu List cost percentage. If your Recipe's Cost % is higher than your List %, the platform will recommend increasing your Price for that Recipe and vice versa. Please take a look at the steps below on how to view the Recipe Reprice Report.

Viewing Recipe Reprice Report

  1. Click Reports > Reports List from the navigation.
  2. Click Recipe Reprice under the Recipes heading.
  3. The report will show all recipes including those that need to be repriced based off your Menu List Cost Percentage.  Selecting the recipe name will take you to the recipe page.


Column Key

Menu List: Name of Menu List

Recipe: Name of Recipe

Cost: Total cost of ingredients in Recipe

Price: Amount charged

Cost %: (Cost/Price) * 100%

List %: Aspirational Cost % for Menu List

Suggested: Recommended Price based on Cost and List %

Reprice: Amount suggested to change current Price