Recipe Sync Analysis Report (Director)

The Recipe Sync Analysis Report (Director-level Report) allows you to see what Inactive Items may be preventing Corporate Recipes from being synced down to Store(s). Refer to the steps below on how to view the Recipe Sync Analysis Report.

Viewing Recipe Sync Analysis Report

  1. Click Reports from the navigation.

  2. Click Recipe Sync Analysis under the Recipes heading (Director level).

  3. Select the Store(s) dropdown and select the store you wish to view.

  4. Click Go to view the results.

Some things to keep in mind

  • In addition to showing 'Inactive Items,' this report will also flag any items that do not have the necessary Purchases Units (PUs) ticked on so that Recipes can go down to assigned Stores.
  • If a recipe does not populate on this list and is not successfully syncing down to the store, ensure you are also confirming the Menu List and Market assignment on the Recipe is accurate.

Column Key

Menu List: Name of Category 

Recipe: Name of Recipe

Inactive Ingredients: Total number of Inactive Ingredients in Recipe

Total Ingredients: Total number of Ingredients in Recipe