RELEASE NOTES 2024-Current

July 2024

New Feature: Map to GL at Director

We now can Map Electronic Invoices to GL both at the store and at Director. Best for customers that use the same Chart of Accounts in each of their stores, when mapping an unmapped line, the system will look at the GLs for the store that owns the invoice and will save this mapping for future instances of that line item. 

Please note: To have this functionality activated for your account (at no additional cost) please contact Craftable Support.

New Feature: Taxes on Orders

Users can add projected Taxes to an order so that it will impact their budget (or require it to go for approval) with the expected tax burden. This feature can be configured in one of two ways:

  • From Store Settings>Store Info, toggle on “Use Tax Mappings on Orders” to apply existing Tax Mappings from Books to Orders

  • or on your Chart of Accounts in Books you can apply a blanket Tax % per GL Account - just click into the Tax % column to update

Either method will result in a Projected Total amount to more accurately impact your Budget!

New Feature: Modifier Groups

Craftable now supports mapping groups of POS Modifiers (along with an optional base POS Item) to a single Craftable Modifier in order to build powerful depletion logic. Pizza shops, custom soda shops, coffee shops, and any other business that requires modifiers to behave differently depending on what other modifiers it is bundled with will benefit the most from this new feature.

New Integrations - Bix Produce & Russ Davis Wholesale Vendor Catalogs

Craftable customers who utilize procurement through Craftable can now get their updated pricing files directly via EDI for these vendors.

Russ Davis Wholesale Bix Produce

Click here for more information on Vendor Catalogs through Craftable!

June 2024

New Integrations - EDI ordering

Craftable customers who buy from either of these vendors can now place orders through Craftable that are sent directly into that vendor’s ordering system. 

Harbor Foodservice Trimark


Yesterday’s news -  'Previous Day' option for Scheduled Reports

Many of Craftable’s Scheduled Reports now include an additional option for the date range: Previous Day! Depletion Details, Menu Engineering, and Transfer Details (just to name a few) reports can be delivered to your inbox every day to help you stay on top of yesterday’s performance.


The left-nav glow-up

Craftable’s navigation panel has been refreshed with updated icons site-wide! 

May 2024

Updated apps for iOS and Android

Both iOS and Android users can enjoy a fully supported punchout and/or punchthrough purchasing experience via Craftable’s updated apps. 

Click here to download - Apple or Android 


New Integration - Y. Hata Vendor Catalog

Craftable customers who utilize procurement through Craftable can now get their updated pricing files directly via EDI for the vendor Y. Hata.

Click here for more information on Vendor Catalogs through Craftable!

April 2024

New Integration - Punchout with What Chefs Want

Craftable customers who order from What Chefs Want can now punch out directly to the online ordering platform, and have the order finalized and placed through Craftable.


New Integration - Punchout with Sunrise Produce

Craftable customers who order from Sunrise Produce can now punch out directly to the online ordering platform, and have the order finalized and placed through Craftable.

Freehand Ordering

For those times when you need to order an Item that you haven’t already added to Craftable, there’s Freehand Ordering. Quickly populate order lines, complete with (optional) SKUs and GL Coding, and send it off to your Vendor without creating unwanted Items.

Cross Platform Budgets

If your Craftable subscription includes more than one platform, consider using Cross Platform Budgets. This optional feature must be enabled by the Craftable Team before you can use it and requires that any current and historical platform-specific Budget Data be removed.

Once enabled, you’ll no longer see Budgets in the Trackers section on Bevager, Foodager, or House - instead, Budgets will be managed in Books. The functionality and setup are the same, however, you’ll create a single Budget per Store instead of separate Budgets per platform. This combined Budget will then be impacted by Orders placed on any part of the platform.

Some class-y updates!

For customers who use Classes with Books, we’ve added Classes to Budgets, Orders, Order Approvals & the GL Summary Report, just to name a few…


Updated Accounting Tab

The Accounting tab of the Item Panel has gotten a facelift! We’ve simplified the layout so that overriding the Item’s GL Mapping is more intuitive.

Scheduled Reports

Need to see the same report with different configurations? You can schedule that!

As long as the selected parameters are not identical, you can now have multiple scheduled instances of any of our Scheduled Reports.

March 2024

Recipe Card Enhancements

Check out the overhaul of our Recipe PDF exports!  Beautiful, more space-efficient design - bringing in images, store logos, and more customization options including portrait vs landscape!

Time to check your Store Settings! ⏰

For Craftable customers with POS integrations, your Store’s timezone settings directly affect the polling time for bringing in your POS data. If you haven’t already, go to your Store Settings > Store Info page and ensure that all of your stores are set to the correct timezone!

Increased Precision in Reports

All core Craftable reports have been updated to advanced precision! Wherever you see a number with a dotted underline, just hover over it to see many more decimal points of precision. Craftable is calculating to the 7th decimal place before rounding to ensure the highest level of accuracy on reports.

New Integration - EDI Order Guides with Mr. Greens

Craftable customers who utilize procurement through Craftable can now get their updated pricing files directly via EDI for the vendor Mr. Greens. Click here for more information on Order Guides through Craftable!


US Foods Order Guide Enhancement

Certain US Foods items can be ordered either by the Case or the Each.

Craftable displays these splits on Order Guides from US Foods as 2 separate lines, so customers can choose whether to map both or not.

February 2024

AVT COGS by Ops Group available at Director

A fan-favorite report - The Actual vs Theoretical COGS by Ops Group - has been added to the reports that can be run at the Director! You can select which Ops Groups you want to be included in the report and then select whether to Group the data By Store or By Ops Group. A Summary table will always populate at the top with the summary data for all selected stores and ops groups, and below you'll see the main table. 

If you select to group the data By Store then the Store Name will be column 1, followed by a rollup of the Ops Groups as column 2, which can be expanded out. If you select to group the data By Ops Group then column 1 will be the Ops Group and column 2 will be the Stores. This is a fantastic way to see a rollup in one place of how your business is doing across all locations, comparing what numbers the locations are actually hitting, versus the theoretical numbers. 

For more information on the Actual vs Theoretical COGS by Ops Group report, please check out the Knowledge Base article on it.

"Done All" Vendor Item Mappings

You can now click "Done All" from the Vendor Item Mappings page to mass "Done" all invoices that are fully Mapped. This enhancement makes mapping lines from the Vendor Items Mappings page a simple and quick way to get through your invoice mapping process.

POS Item & Modifier Mapping Enhancements

Last Sold data added to the Modifier Mapping page, and you can also filter by Date Sold, making it easier than ever to delete old buttons from a prior POS system or seasonal menu buttons that you no longer need.

For users with Director POS Mapping you can can also click on the Last Sold date to see the Last Sold date within each of your stores!

New Integration - EDI Order Guides with Cheney Brothers

Craftable customers who utilize procurement through Craftable can now get their updated pricing files directly via EDI for the vendor Cheney Brothers. Click here for more information on Order Guides through Craftable!

New Integration - EDI Order Guides with Jack Scalisi

EDI Order Guides are also now available with the vendor Jack Scalisi. 

January 2024

Transfer Notifications

Configure notifications via either email or text message for Transfers - both transfers that are awaiting acknowledgement in your store and ones that have been requested of another store but rejected.


Store Sync Added to Director Books

The Director Store Sync page has been added to Director Books, so you can now sync down any new Director created accounting objects right from your Director Books platform. 

Order Guide Price Variation Download

Do you love seeing the price shifts on your Order Guide files or have dreams of analyzing this data in your data warehouse or excel? You can now download the price changes (current vs previous only) for your order guides, using the download icon.

To pull the data from all your order guides just click the download icon on the main Order Guides page, or to pull the data from just one order guide specifically, simply navigate to that order guide, click the download icon, and select Download Price Variances.