When electronic invoices are received and a specific vendor operates on both platforms, you can specify which line items should be directed to the appropriate platform

See the article Creating a Mixed Vendor for directions on how to make a vendor active on both platforms. This allows you to choose the destination for line items on an invoice in situations where the invoice is mixed (between Bevager/Foodager).

Refer to the steps below on how to set line items on an invoice between platforms:  

  1. Click Invoices > Vendor Invoices from the navigation menu.


  2. Click directly on the electronically received invoice.

  3. Click the platform icon to the left of each line item so the icon matches the preferred platform.    (blue bottle Bevager / green produce Foodager). 
  4. There is also a split feature. Splitting this line will create a duplicate of the line with the “Quantity to Split” as the Received amount (Use the Actions button to show splits).
  5. Once the line items are allocated to the appropriate platform, click the Done or Done and Next button in the bottom right of the invoice.


  6. You are then able to map the line items on the invoice and click Approve once the invoice has been reconciled.


Some things to keep in mind

  • If an invoice has been marked as Done Mapping and changes need to be made to the line items, you will first need to select Undo button at the bottom of the invoice, click the platform icon to the left of the line item then click Done Mapping when finished.


  • The undo feature is only available while the invoice status is unmapped or pending mapping.
  • The vendor the invoice is tied to will need to be active in both Bevager and Foodager in order to send line items across platforms.
  • Once the line items have been sent to the appropriate platform, if mapping is still required there will be a notification in the upper right of the invoice.
