Setting up Keg Tracker

Keg Tracker is to assist in streamlining the data management of your kegs. You can access information such as: how many kegs you have by a vendor, deposits associated with kegs, returns, credits, and your current balance.

Setting up Keg Tracker

  1. Click the Trackers tab from the navigation menu.

  2. Select Keg Tracker.

  3. Click +New Keg Adjustment.

  4. Choose the specific vendor from the drop-down list.

  5. Select date of Deposit and/or Credit.

  6. Enter total kegs received and total deposited.

  7. Enter total kegs returned and total credited. Click + New Keg Adjustment.

  8. You will then see any invoices with keg deposit/credits as well as adjustments.

    Some things to keep in mind
  • During the line item process on a vendor invoice where a keg has been ordered, it is best to list the Deposit and Credit as separate lines from the keg itself. This ensures the total amount of the invoice is calculated correctly.

  • Keg adjustments can be deleted by clicking the vendor name, locating the desired keg adjustment and clicking the red trashcan icon.