Once a Store places a Commissary Order, the Commissary may fulfill and ship the Order to the Store. Please see the steps below on how a Commissary may ship an order to a Store.

Ship to Store

  1. At Commissary, click Commissary  > Orders from Stores from the navigation.

  2. Click on the requested Order.

  3. Confirm order can be fulfilled and click Ship to Store. Enter the optional Invoice number.

Some things to keep in mind

  • A Placed Commissary Order may have one of three statuses:
    • - Commissary has enough inventory to satisfy Store requests. 
    • - Commissary does not have enough inventory to satisfy Store requests. More inventory must be purchased and/or more prepped recipes created.
    • - Order has been shipped to the Store. 
  • Commissary may enter a specific Delivery Date.

  • If necessary, the Commissary can pull back a Shipped Order by clicking into the Order and pressing Unmark as Shipped. 

  • Once the Commissary has marked the Placed Order as Shipped, the Store may receive the Order.

  • If a Store cancels a Commissary Order, the Commissary will no longer have the option to ship the Order.