Once a Store places a Commissary Order, the Commissary may fulfill and ship the Order to the Store. Please see the steps below on how a Commissary may ship an order to a Store.
Ship to Store
- At Commissary, click Commissary > Orders from Stores from the navigation.
- Click on the requested Order.
- Confirm order can be fulfilled and click Ship to Store. Enter the optional Invoice number.
Some things to keep in mind
- A Placed Commissary Order may have one of three statuses:
- - Commissary has enough inventory to satisfy Store requests.
- - Commissary does not have enough inventory to satisfy Store requests. More inventory must be purchased and/or more prepped recipes created.
- - Order has been shipped to the Store.
- Commissary may enter a specific Delivery Date.
- If necessary, the Commissary can pull back a Shipped Order by clicking into the Order and pressing Unmark as Shipped.
- Once the Commissary has marked the Placed Order as Shipped, the Store may receive the Order.
- If a Store cancels a Commissary Order, the Commissary will no longer have the option to ship the Order.