
The Transfers function allows for the transfer of inventory items and batches in to your location, out of your location, and between locations if you have multiple stores on Craftable. We also support transferring of Recipes in or out (but not between) for accounts that subscribe to Director. 


Creating a Recipe Transfer

To create a Recipe Transfer navigate to the Director level of Craftable and select Inventory Transfers then click +New Transfer.

The Transfer Date is the date that the transfer will impact the inventory.

Next, select Recipe for the Transfer Type. 


Once you have this selected, you can then enter in all of the other required information and select the option to +New Transfer again to confirm and create the Transfer.


Adding a Recipe Line to a Transfer

Once you have created your new Recipe Transfer, you can now begin to add lines to it. The only lines applicable for a Recipe Transfer are the Recipes themselves. First, select the +Add Transfer Line option in the bottom left of the Transfer to reveal a pop-up page with an editable field to search for specific recipes.



As you enter the name, a drop-down menu of search results will begin to populate to allow you to find the recipe in question. Once you select a recipe, you will have the option to Transfer by servings or a specific compatible measurement.


Once you select how much you wish to transfer, you can toggle on the Advanced toggle to allocate a GL Account to the recipe. This is not required to add the recipe to the Transfer.


Once the recipe has been added, you will see the Recipe and its ingredient breakdown listed on the Transfer.


Continue adding Recipes until you have entered the desired information and Congratulations - You have completed your first Recipe Transfer!


Things to Keep In Mind

  • Recipe Transfers can only be done in one direction. In other words, store-to-store Transfers do not apply to Recipe Transfers
  • Each Recipe that is being transferred can only be allocated one GL Code. If you require attributing different GLs to each item in the recipe, it is best to transfer the inventory items rather than the Recipe as a whole.
  • Recipe Transfers are not supported at the store level. All Recipe Transfers must be created at the Director.