Electronic Invoices are created from either an image of your invoice or a direct link with your vendor. Uploading invoice images to the system allows you to view them during mapping and approval.

Uploading Invoices for Orders Placed through the Platform

To upload an invoice image for an order placed through Craftable, first, go to the Orders tab and acknowledge receipt of the order by selecting it under 'Placed Orders'.

From here you will click the green "Mark Order Received" button at the bottom right. 

*Note: Do NOT click the Receive Order button unless you intend to enter the invoice manually.

From the Mark Order Received pop-up window you will be prompted to enter the invoice number and you can also upload a picture of your invoice from a scanned image or photo taken on your phone:

This process allows you to let the system know you have received an order and upload the invoice image in one step. 

If you are inputting an invoice for an order that was not placed through the platform you can still upload the invoice image for processing via the image vault (steps below) or request a custom electronic invoice email address from our support team and email the images directly.

Uploading Invoice via the Image Vault

The Image Vault is a repository for your scanned and uploaded invoice images and is shared across all areas of the platform.  You can filter items in the image vault by Date Range and Vendor.

You can upload your images to the image vault by clicking Upload > +Add Image > Selecting the file, and clicking Upload.

Scan & Upload

  1. Use a high-speed scanner to scan your invoices.
  2. Login to your Craftable account and access Bevager, Foodager, or House.
  3. Click Image Vault from the navigation menu on the left.
  4. Click the Upload link at the top right, select the file, and click Upload.

Photograph & Upload

  1. Login to Craftable in the app or through your device's browser.
  2. Click Image Vault from the menu.
  3. Click the Upload button.
  4. Click Choose File.
  5. Click Take Photo to take a photo of the invoice, or click Photo Library to pick the image.
  6. Click Upload.

Uploading via Email

You can also submit images for electronic invoice processing via email. If your store has already been setup with this functionality you will see your designated email address at the top of the Image Vault page.

Please keep in mind that this is an automated email address that is not monitored - do not email that address with any questions or comments, they will not be seen. Additionally, all invoices submitted via email must be sent as attachments (not inline in the body of the email). If you are forwarding an email that has the invoice image attached please download the file and re-attach it to your email to ensure it will be picked up. 

If you do not already have a designated email set up and would like to submit your invoice images for processing via email, you should contact support@craftable.com to have your store-specific email address created.

Invoice Image Requirements

Craftable will make every effort to correctly process invoice images, but not all documents can be processed in this way. For a document to be processed as an electronic invoice on Craftable the following are necessary:

  • All pages of the invoice must be included
  • Vendor Name required
  • Line Item/s required
  • The image must be legible
  • Invoice Number highly recommended (if missing, the date the file was submitted will attempt to be used in place of a proper invoice number)
  • Invoice Total highly recommended (if missing, the invoice will take longer to process)
  • Each image should only contain 1 invoice (you can submit multiple invoices in one file, but please ensure that each page only displays data from one invoice)

The following document types are not eligible to be processed as an electronic invoice on Craftable, and if submitted will be flagged as not able to be processed.

  • Statements
  • Purchase Orders
  • Bills of Lading
  • Packing Slips
  • Delivery Slips
  • Tax Documents
  • Collection letters
  • Pick Tickets
  • Price Lists
  • Terms & conditions sheets
  • Sales Orders
  • Remittance Statements


Some things to keep in mind:

  • When uploading images for processing the image must be clear enough for the type to be legible. If the image or type is blurry, we will not be able to use the image. 

  • Ensure that all pages of the invoice are submitted and that preferably the four corners of the page are included in the image to ensure no data is missed. (e.g. Invoice Number cannot be cut off)

  • We recommend splitting long invoices into different photo images, scanning the invoice, or handwriting comments in clearly legible writing.

  • Processing of images takes 1-2 days to complete from the date of the image upload.

  • The maximum upload size through the image vault site is 10MB (in total).  Maximum upload size through email is 25MB.