Wine List is an optional feature that allows you to present your beverage inventory as a curated menu that can be printed or posted online as a PDF.

Table of Contents:

Looking at your Wine List

Adding to your Wine List

- Adding Sections

- Adding Subsections

- Adding Items

-- Section with subsections

-- Section with no Subsection

Editing/Understanding your Wine List

- Editing

- Understanding Wine List Data

Viewing the Finished Product

Note: If you do not currently have the Wine List feature or want to know more about it, please reach out to your Account's Client Service Representative or reach out to support at 844-367-7700, or via the built-in chat function from so our support team can get you in contact with the right person to discuss.

Getting Started

  • Select Wine Lists>Wine List from the beverage department navigation menu.
  • The Wine List page will show all of your created Wine Lists. (by default, all customers start with one Wine List.  If more are needed, please reach out to your Client Services rep for more information).  From this page, you can also see how many items each Wine List contains as well as the published date (if published).  Additionally, you can edit the Wine List name by selecting the pencil icon to the right of the Published field.

Looking at your Wine List

  • Once you have selected your Wine List, you will see all Sections that were created at a glance.
  • You can select the arrow next to the Item count notification to expand and see what subsections and items are listed in the section you chose.

Adding to your Wine List

There are three things you can add to a Wine List:

  • Sections
  • Subsections
  • Items

Items can be added to either Subsections or Sections directly if the Section doesn't have an existing Subsection already added.


  • To start, add sections by selecting the "+" button to the right of the Wine list name.
  • This will open a pop-up panel that allows you to enter the Section Name, and the TOC name (how the section is listed in the table of contents), choose where the section will be added within your current list of sections, and select a template type (if a template has been added).


Once you have your sections created, you can create another level of definition by creating subsections if you prefer.

Note: You can only create subsections for sections if items have not been added directly to the section previously.  If you want to add a subsection to a section that already has items then you will need to delete the items in the section first.

  • To add subsections, select the "+" button to the right of the section name.
  • In the pop-up pane that appears, you can select the Subsection name, TOC Title (how the subsection is listed in the table of contents), and where the subsection will be placed (if there are any existing subsections in the section).


Once you have your Sections and (optional) Subsections set you can now add Items to your Wine List. 

To start, find the Section or Subsection you want to add your item to.

Section with subsections

Section with no Subsection

  • Select either "+ Add item" or "+ Add Freehand item" at the bottom of the Section/Subsection.
  • Selecting "+ Add Item" will allow you to add items from your current beverage inventory to the Wine List.  Enter the item name into the item field to search for the desired item.  Once selected you can also change the Wine List item name if you want the name of the item listed differently on the Wine List.
  • Once you have selected your item, choose the desired Pour you want to list for that item.  If none are present or you don't see the option you want, you can add a Pour from this pane by selecting "+ Add Pour" at the bottom of the listed Pours.
  • Once you have set your Pour, you can then set the price that will be listed on your Wine List by either entering your Cost % or entering your desired price in the price field
  • You can also set a Page Break or Line Break if you want either type of visible separation after the Wine List item to show.
  • You can also change the listed vintage (if any), Bin, or Template type (if applicable) through the pop-up panel.  Select "Add Menu Item" to confirm the Wine List item.  Once added, the item will show at the end of the listed items in the Section/Subsection.  The item placement can be moved by clicking and dragging the icon to the right of the trashcan. (This can also be done for Sections and Subsections)
  • Selecting "+ Add Freehand Item" allows you to create a Wine List item that isn't a part of your beverage Inventory.  Because of this all data such as vintage, bin, pour size and price will have to be manually entered.  You can link the freehand item to an actual Inventory item in the beverage using the "Optional Link to item" section. 

Editing/Understanding Your Wine List


As stated previously, you can move where a Section, Subsection, or Item would exist by dragging the icon to the left of the element name.

Note: For Subsections and Items, this is limited to their direct hierarchy.  For example, you can move an Item in whatever order you want in the Sparkling subsection but you cannot move the Item to another subsection.

Additionally, you can also choose whether an item is shown or not shown by selecting the icon in the Show field.

Hiding a Wine List item will also hide any page breaks or line breaks set with that item.

Understanding Wine List Data

There are a few details we provide at a glance within your Wine List.

  • Vintage: This can be entered manually when adding the Wine List item or it will automatically be applied if the Inventory item in Craftable had a Vintage assigned already.
  • Bin: This can be entered manually when adding the Wine List item
  • Price: This is the price set for each pour you have added to your Wine List item.  This will either be applied automatically if you choose your existing pour or can be entered manually. (You can set how many pours can be posted per Wine List item in the Subsection/Section settings the item was added.)
  • In Stock (CU): This is the current theoretical stock of the Inventory Item the Wine List item is matched to.

Viewing the Finished Product

Once you are ready to view the finished Wine List, choose what option you want to see from the "Actions" Button near the top right corner of the Wine List page.

Here is a brief overview of each option

  • Preview: This allows you to see what the Wine List looks like online if you were to print, publish it online, or generate a file.
  • Print: This generates a tab in your browser with the Wine List in a printable format. You can also use this option to generate a PDF through the printer options. (We recommend setting margins to default otherwise, it may change how the Wine List looks)
  • Publish: This option allows you to generate a Website Address that customers can use to see the Wine List online.
  • Publish PDF: This option allows you to post a PDF of your Wine List on a generated Website Address we provide.