If you haven't placed an order using Bevager or Foodager, you can still conveniently enter a vendor invoice manually in the system.

Table of Contents:

Creating Vendor Invoices Manually - Video Overview

Step-by-step Walkthrough

  1. Click Invoices > Vendor Invoices from the navigation menu.

  2. Click +New Invoice.

  3. Enter Vendor, Received Date, Invoice Date (if different), Invoice Number, Due Date and Amount.

    *note* The system will not accept a duplicate invoice number from the same vendor.

  4. Attach scanned or photocopy of Paper Invoice, if available. Choose File from the Computer and click Upload Image. This step is not required but can be useful if you want to be able to refer to the original invoice image. (Please note you will need to have a Pro subscription level to attach images. You can check your subscription level by clicking your name at the top right > Manage Subscription)

  5. Add Items, Non-Inventory Items, Charges and/or Credits as they appear on the Paper Invoice. Any line that needs to be negative must be added as a Credit. For more information on pre-setting your Charges, Credits, or Taxes, see the article titled "Credits, Charges, & Taxes".

    Non-Inventory Items

    If you’ve been invoiced for something that is not an Item on the system, and not an Item you inventory - Click the Add Non-Inventory Item button and enter the necessary information in each field. This allows you to add items to your invoices that you purchase, but aren’t items that you inventory. This is the recommended way to invoice intangible items such as electricity or cable bills, as well as any various items like linens or glassware that you do not want to count during inventory.


    If extra fees have been charged (e.g. Delivery Fees, Keg Deposits, Broken Case charges, etc…), click the Add Charge button, enter a Name, select the appropriate Category, fill in the Price and Quantity field, and click Add Charge.


    If you’re applying a credit to the invoice - Click the Add Credit button, enter a Name, select the appropriate Category, fill in the Price and Quantity field, and click Add Credit.


    If you’ve been invoiced incorrectly (so charged for items that weren’t delivered) - Click the red pencil icon at the far right of the line to redline the invoice. Keep in mind this should only be done if the paper invoice you received is incorrect

    If an item wasn’t delivered, you rejected the goods on delivery, or they only gave you a portion of the case that they charged you for, click the red pencil icon and enter in what you did receive and what you should have been charged.

  6. Once you have reconciled the invoice click Approve Invoice.

    If you redlined the invoice (as explained above for instances where you've been invoiced incorrectly), by clicking Approve Invoice we would then have the option to either Short Pay the vendor - so pay the lesser amount - or Approve and Generate Credit memo, which creates the Bill for the higher amount and generates a Credit Memo for the amount the vendor has overcharged you. The option you select will depend on your store's processes and the laws in your state. For more information on Credit Memos please see the article titled "Credit Memos".

Something to keep in mind

  • Save time when adding a vendor invoice manually by clicking on '+ Add' to the left of your profile dropdown.