Logbook Email allows you to send your store's daily information including sales and labor data to multiple email contacts at a scheduled time.
This email will include any Notes or Tasks entered for the day. To set up your notes and tasks, follow the steps in the article, Logbook, to set up your Notes and Tasks.
Setting up Logbook Email
Logbook Emails can either be set up at Director or any specific department as needed. To start, navigate to Logbook>Logbook Emails in Analytics.
From this page, you can either edit/delete any existing Logbook Email or create a new Logbook Email.
To create a New Logbook Email, select the "+ New Logbook Email" button near the top right corner of the page.
Once you have named your Logbook Email, you can choose whom you want this email to be sent to, at what time, and what information should be included. You can also choose to add a role, which will send the email to all users that have that role assigned.
**Note - You can send this email to any valid address, they do not need to have access to Craftable to view this email.**
**Note - Point of Sale and Labor data must be available in Craftable before the email is scheduled to be sent to be included in the daily email**