When a corked wine bottle is discovered in your Inventory, there may oftentimes be a substantial time gap between when the Inventory was purchased on a Vendor Invoice and when the corked bottle(s) is opened making red-lining an invoice line item impractical. 

Assume you approve a Vendor Invoice containing a case of wine on 03/01

You open a corked bottle from the case two months later on 05/01. Refer to the steps below on best practice for requesting a credit and removing in-stock inventory.

Creating & Emailing Credit Memo

  1. Navigate to Trackers > Credit Memos from navigation.

  2. Select + New Credit Memo.

  3. Enter Credit Memo details.

  4. Select + Add Credit Memo Line.

  5. Enter Credit Memo Line details and click Update Credit Memo Line.

  6. Select Email Rep to send Credit Memo to your Vendor requesting a Credit.

Transferring Corked Wine Bottle(s) out of your Inventory 

  1. Select Inventory > Transfers from navigation.

  2. Select + New Transfer.

  3. Enter Transfer Date, select Transfer Out and click + New Transfer.

  4. Click + Add Transfer Line.

  5. Complete Transfer Line details.

Processing Credit via Manual Vendor Invoice

  1. Select Invoices > Vendor Invoices from navigation.

  2.  Click + New Invoice.

  3. Complete New Invoice details.

  4. On Vendor Invoice, click + Add > Add Credit.

  5. Add Credit line to Invoice.

  6. Approve Vendor Invoice.

Processing Credit via Electronic Invoice

  1. Select Invoices > Vendor Invoices from navigation.

  2. Click on Electronic Invoice 

  3. Select unmapped negative Electronic line item.
    **Note** Vendors will oftentimes enter the name of an Item describing a Credit.

  4. Map negative Electronic line item to Inventory item.

  5. Map credit line.

  6. Review Electronic Invoice and select Done to generate Vendor Invoice.

  7. Review Vendor Invoice. Create Note, if desired.

  8. Approve Vendor Invoice.

Some things to keep in mind

  • Approving Credits with negative Quantities and/or Amounts will not impact an Item's inventory level or CU Price.