Vendors will be your main points of contact as it relates to ordering inventory in the system. Depending on your business needs you may need to add more Vendors or deactivate current ones on a case-by-case basis.

Create New Vendor

  1. Click Items & Vendors -> Vendors.

  2.  Click the +Add New Vendor button in the upper right.   

  3. Select the relevant option for the Vendor in the radial box.

  4. Enter the Vendor Name, terms, internal notes, address, order minimums, and even your account number. 


    You can also enter details of Order Minimums (as either no minimum, an Alert Minimum to warn your team that there may be additional fees for being under the minimum, or a Restriction Minimum so orders below the minimum cannot be placed).


    This is used to auto fill the Due Date on invoices for this vendor. The Due Date will auto-calculate as this number of days after the Invoice Date.

    Internal Note

    This information will display at the top of the order within Craftable but is only visible to your team, this information is never displayed to your vendor. This is a great spot to put information about order cut offs or delivery days. 

    Account Number

    Enter your Account Number against the vendor and it will be displayed on the PDF of your order that is placed through Craftable.

Rep Tab

  1. Fill in the Sales Rep's Name

  2. Enter their Phone Number (additional phone number if necessary). When you place an order on the platform, the order will be sent via text message to these phone numbers. Keep in mind if you enter a landline the vendor will not receive the order via text, though the system will attempt to send it.

  3. Enter the Sale Rep's email (additional email if necessary). When you place an order on the platform, the order will be sent via email to the email addresses you enter. When you first enter a Sales Rep email address they will also be invited to join Craftable with a free vendor account, where they can view orders you place, schedule them for delivery, and upload order guide files to update pricing. 


  1. Enter a Bill Item Name.

  2. Select your preferred Payment Method.

  3. Click +Add New Vendor in order to Save.

Things to keep in mind

  • Vendors cannot be deleted from the system. However, if you no longer use a specific vendor they can always be toggled to inactive by clicking directly on their name from the Vendors page and click the active button to gray it out.

  • The Payment Method settings are just for your records, unless you subscribe to the Payments module in Craftable then all payments need to be made through other methods.