Craftable's Recipe Line Swap function works like Find and Replace in most programs - you select an item, recipe, or generic item for Craftable to "Find", and select a different item, recipe, or generic item for Craftable to "Replace".

This Find + Replace is applied to all recipes and modifier recipes that utilize the selected item to be replaced. This is especially helpful if you accidentally used the wrong item in your recipes, or have opted to start using Generic Items in place of regular Items.

How To

Recipe Line Swap can be found by navigating to Items & Vendors in the navigation bar at the left, and selecting Manage Items, and then clicking the button for Recipe Line Swap at the bottom of the list of options.

On the Recipe Line Swap page select the item in the "Find" section that you want to replace, and then in the "Replace" section select the item that you want your first item to be replaced with.

Once you click Next the system will do a pre-check to ensure that the recipe line swap has no errors. A green check in the Status column indicates that the Find and Replace can be implemented without issue. Click Continue at the bottom to proceed. You must click Continue again on the warning popup, at which point the Find and Replace will be completed.

You can see a record of when the Recipe Line Swap tool was used by clicking the History button. From here you will also be able to download a detailed record of each change.

Pre-check Errors

The "Status" column on the pre-check will tell you the precise nature of the problem. You will not be able to complete the swap until you have resolved any errors. 

In the example above I need to add an Each conversion to the Tomato Cherry Bulk Fresh item. Once the item has an Each conversion I'll be able to complete this recipe line swap. Conversions can be entered by pulling up the item and entering a value for the missing conversion on the Item tab.


What sort of entities on Craftable can this be used for?

Items, Generic Items, and Recipes are all eligible for the Recipe Line Swap, and you can mix and match types! For instance, you can replace a normal Item with a Generic Item. Or maybe you previously purchased an item that you've started to make in-house - you can select the Item and replace it with a Recipe.