If you have submitted an order on the platform, you can convert that order into an invoice, complete the reconciliation process, and then approve it.

Please note this process is for users who are either not doing Electronic Invoicing or wish to manually receive an invoice.

If you have placed an order on the platform you can turn the order into an invoice, reconcile it, and approve. For an invoice to be Reconciled the sum of the line items must match the amount on the invoice received from the Vendor. If the totals do not match the invoice will be listed as Unreconciled. (If you are looking for steps on how to create an invoice when you did not place the order on the system, please see the article titled "Creating Vendor Invoices Manually".)

Receive Order

  1. Select your Order from Orders>Orders.  This can either be a New Order, Placed Order or Received Order.
  2. Once you have selected an order, click on the "Receive Order" button near the bottom right corner of the page.
  3. Once you select Receive Order, you will be notified that the invoice you are generating will not be processed through our Electronic invoicing service.  Click the checkbox to confirm you want to proceed with the manual invoice.
  4. Once you select the checkmark, you can then enter the information needed to create the invoice such as Received Date (this is the date the items in the invoice will show as received in your inventory), Invoice Date, Invoice No, and Invoice Amount.  Once finished, select the green "Receive Order" button at the bottom of the page to complete the invoice creation.

If you only received certain items of the order and are expecting the rest on an additional delivery, select the checkbox next to “I'm partially receiving this Order”. This allows you to choose which items were received and those items will be listed on the invoice you create when you select "Receive Order".  The Order will then be moved to the received bucket with a partial tag.  The Order will stay in the Received bucket until you receive the rest of the items on another invoice (multiple invoices can be linked to the same order).


What is Invoice Reconciliation?

Assuming the invoice amount matches the order total, you should have the option to select "Approve" at the bottom of the invoice.

However, if the invoice amount differs you will need to reconcile the invoice.  The order pricing is based off your purchase unit which may not be up to date as pricing can change often from Vendors or there may be other line items such as charges, credits or taxes that need to be added in addition to the items you ordered (such as a delivery charge or keg credit). The system will tell you what the price difference is between the Invoice Amount (what was listed as the total cost of the goods on your invoice) and the Total (what all the line items currently add up to). You must reconcile the invoice before it can be approved.

How to Reconcile Invoices

If the price of the item has changed or the Quantity has changed, click the item’s name and update the Amount field or the Quantity field to match the paper invoice you received on delivery.

Edit the Quantity, Purchase Unit (in dropdown), or Amount field to make this line match the line in the invoice.


If extra fees have been charged (e.g. Delivery Fees, Keg Deposits, Broken Case charges, etc…), click the "Add Charge" button under the add menu at the bottom of the invoice.  A pop up window will appear allowing you to search for any existing charges you can use for your invoices in the name field.  If you have Books, these will be found in that platform.  If not, you should have the ability to create charges under either Foodager, Bevager or House in the invoices menu.  Additionally, certain account setups may have the ability to add manual charges outside of those created elsewhere. 


If you’re applying a credit to the invoice, click the "Add Credit" button under the add menu at the bottom of the invoice.  The same steps would apply for Credits as they would for Charges as you would be searching for existing credits either created in Books or the platform of the invoice under the invoice menu.

If you need assistance creating Charges or Credits feel free to use the following articles for assistance.

Credits, Charges & Taxes

Credits, Charges & Taxes without Books


If you have a difference between what was received on your invoice compared to what was listed on the paper invoice (so charged for items that weren’t delivered) - Click the red pencil icon at the far right of the line to redline the invoice. If you were not billed incorrectly, edit the line item in blue instead.

This is helpful for situations in which the vendor didn't have the line item available, had less of it than what was listed on the invoice, the quantity was damaged on transit, etc.  Essentially, any situation where you received less than what was listed on the paper invoice and were still billed for.

After finishing red-lining your items, you will have one of two options when approving the invoice if you have Books.

  1. Short Pay
  2. Approve & Generate Credit Memo

Choosing "Short Pay" will generate a Bill with the redlined amount of the bottom of the invoice and should only be used when you want to be billed for only what was received.  Choosing "Approve & Generate Credit Memo" will generate a Bill for the full invoiced amount.  This is a better option if you expect to be credited for the missing product at a later date.  This also creates a Credit Memo that can be sent to the Vendor to request a credit invoice for the billed amount that was not received.  Please refer to your store's processes and the laws in your state when deciding whether to Short Pay or to generate a Credit Memo for the difference. For more information on Credit Memos please see this article.