1. Create Recipes at Director for items that your Commissary provides to your other venues.

See this article for a step-by-step walkthrough of the process. Be sure to check out the entire Knowledge Base section on Recipes for further information on building your recipes.

2. Create Batches at Director for all items that your Commissary provides that are recipes and do a Store Sync.

Go to Inventory > Prep Items & Batches at Director, and add a New Batch for each recipe. Be sure to Store Sync to push down to the relevant store/s.

3. Go to the Commissary and add all batches and raw ingredients to your Commissary Price List.

From within the Commissary location go to Commissary > Price List. See this article for further information.

4. Match all items on the Commissary Price List to an existing Item.

This should be done at the Director for users with a Director-level inventory. If your Commissary does pass through and re-sell items that you buy from vendors, be sure to Match the Commissary item to the existing item at the Director, do not create a new item. See this article for further details

5. Match all batches on the Commissary Price List to a new Item.

This should be done at the Director for users with a Director-level inventory.


6. Add Commissary-linked items to recipes for various stores to ensure accurate depletions.

Read this article for details on how to do this, but be sure to check out the entire Knowledge Base section on Recipes for further information.

